To help you maximise your efficiency, we have collated all of the Lenders’ Affordability Calculators in one easy to access place. Simply select below whether you are looking for Residential or BTL Calculators and a list of all available online calculators will be displayed. If you click on the Lender whose calculator you would like to see, you will be taken directly to the calculator on their website. Please note that you may need to login to your area on the Lender’s website for some of the calculators. Some calculators may be offered by Lenders in downloadable format.
Alternatively, you may be interested in Mortgage Broker Tools’ Affordability tool which complements the affordability scenario outcomes which you see from Paradigm’s Mortgage Helpdesk team, by providing a more comprehensive search on affordability by directly integrating with the lenders’ calculators, for when you are that stage of your research. You can get a 30 day free trial of their tool by clicking here.