Bank of Ireland for Intermediaries

Bank of Ireland for Intermediaries is focused on helping you to help more clients. Their range of Residential and Buy to Let mortgages are underpinned by experienced people and great service. Whether you’re looking for solutions for buyers with small deposits or landlords needing a more flexible approach to affordability.

Why choose them?
They offer great service and have the right people, products and systems to support you.
  • Experienced and knowledgeable Business Development team available to support you wherever you are in the country
  • Common sense underwriting decisions – Day 1 shopping list including automatic acceptance for straightforward cases
  • Direct contact to underwriters through our online case messaging system
You can find out more about their criteria, products and latest updates at

Proc Fees

Product Gross Net
Residential 0.40% 0.37%
Buy to Let 0.50% 0.47%
First Start 0.50% 0.47%
Porting and Further Advance 0.30% 0.28%
Product Transfer 0.30% 0.28%

How to Register

Registering for the first time:

Visit Bank of Ireland for Intermediaries and complete the online registration.

Add Paradigm as payment route:

When submitting an application, you can select Paradigm as your Mortgage Club in the drop down menu.