Income Protection Commission Terms

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Paradigm have negotiated the below market leading terms for you on the Income Protection Panel.

Please be advised that unlike other Distributors in the market, clients do not pay loaded premiums in order for you to receive these market leading terms.

Provider Earnings Period Gross API % Net API* % Gross API % Net API* %
Aviva 4 206.00 199.82 257.81 250.08
Guardian 4 205.00 198.85 241.00 233.77
Holloway Friendly** 4 180.00 174.60 195.00 189.15
LV= 4 207.00 200.79 259.00 251.23
LV= PSP Products   4 177.40 172.08 222.00 215.34
L&G 4 208.00 201.76 228.00 221.16
Royal London 4 206.95 202.29 259.00 253.17
Scottish Widows 4 204.72 199.60 256.20 249.80
The Exeter 4 210.00 203.70 241.50 234.26
Vitality 4 210.00 203.70 249.20 241.72
Zurich 4 205.00 199.88 243.00 236.93


Provider Earnings Period Gross API % Net API* % Gross API % Net API* %
British Friendly 3 195.00 189.15 N/A N/A
Cirencester Friendly - My Earnings Protected (Level)** 3 190.00 184.30 190.00 184.30
Cirencester Friendly - My Earnings Protected (Escalating Premiums)** 3 190.00 184.30 190.00 184.30
Cirencester Friendly - Income Assured Enhanced (Escalating Premiums)** 3 190.00 184.30 190.00 184.30
Cirencester Friendly - My Extra Benefits (Not a standalone product, restrictions apply)** 3 190.00 184.30 N/A N/A


Provider Earnings Period Gross API % Net API* % Gross API % Net API* %
Aviva 2 184.00 178.48 N/A N/A
Holloway Friendly*** 2 160.00 155.20 175.00 169.75
LV=  2 158.80 154.04 N/A N/A
LV= PSP Products   2 136.20 132.11    
National Friendly 2 195.00 189.15 200.00 194.00
National Friendly (Accident Only) 2 195.00 189.15 200.00 194.00
Royal London 2 179.33 173.95 200.60 194.58
Zurich 2 161.00 156.98 175.00 170.63

*Paradigm will retain 3% of the gross API. This percentage is shown via the net terms (the 97% you will receive). In some instances Paradigm may take retain less than 3% where existing terms linked to Paradigm mean that a higher retained fee would result in lower commission payable.

** If you choose to add Cirencester’s indexation option to any My Earnings Protected product (level or escalating), or an Income Assured Enhanced product, the gross API% will be uplifted to 195%, and net API% to 189.15%. This applies to both indemnity, and non-indemnity terms.

*** No renewals.

In some instances Paradigm may take a lower commission split where existing terms linked to Paradigm mean that a high commission split would result in lower commission payable.
Paradigm cannot be held responsible for holding incorrect information if Providers do not supply the correct commission terms to us or make us aware of any relevant changes.