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Who we are
Liontrust is a specialist asset manager whose purpose is to enable investors to enjoy a better financial future. Everyone at Liontrust strives to contribute towards achieving this objective by being guardians of investors’ savings, which is made up of both Liontrust’s culture and approach to investment management.HISTORY: Liontrust is headquartered in the UK, was launched in 1995 and listed on the London Stock Exchange in 1999. Liontrust opened an office in Luxembourg in 2015 and Edinburgh in 2017.
INVESTMENT PROCESSES: Each fund management team applies distinct and rigorous investment processes to managing portfolios, which Liontrust believes are key to generating good client outcomes and effective risk control.
REPEATABLE PROCESSES: Staying true to an investment process helps to create an in-built risk control, especially in more challenging environments, by preventing managers from buying stocks and funds for the wrong reasons. Documented processes mean investors in the funds know exactly how they will be managed.
ACTIVE: Our fund managers have the courage of their convictions in making active investment decisions.
EXPERTISE: We focus on those areas of investment where we have expertise and have seven teams which invest in global equities, sustainable investment, global fixed income and multi-asset. A third of Liontrust’s AuMA is in sustainable investment.
COMMUNITY: Liontrust partners with organisations to raise financial awareness in primary and secondary schools.
Liontrust offers target risk multi-asset portfolios and funds and a range of Multi-Asset funds whose primary objective is to generate capital growth and/or income over the long term, which we define as five years or more.
- Broad range of target risk portfolios and funds, and a range of returns focused funds.
- The experience of the team enables them to identify and separate investment innovations from fads, evaluate the motivations of fund managers and detect any changes in their commitment.
- The portfolios and funds each provide diversification across a range of different funds, fund managers, geographical regions and asset classes.
- Clients can switch between target risk portfolios and funds as their risk profile and objectives change.
- Clients can stay in the target risk ranges through the accumulation and decumulation phases of their lives.
- For the target risk portfolios and funds, the rigorous investment process is designed to deliver the outcome expected by investors and aims to generate maximum returns for each target risk portfolio and fund within the pre-determined volatility ranges.
- Liontrust has a strong focus on risk management to ensure the portfolios and funds meet their individual risk targets.
The Liontrust Multi-Asset Investment team
The Multi-Asset team comprises John Husselbee (Head of the team), James Klempster (Deputy Head), Anthony Chemla, Victor Alabrune and David Salisbury. John was a co-founder and CIO of North Investment Partners before joining Liontrust in 2013 and was previously director of multi-manager investments at Henderson Global Investors. James joined in 2021 from Momentum Global Investment Management where he was director of investment management.
Multi-Asset investment process
The Liontrust Multi-Asset investment process is based on a number of core beliefs. These beliefs have been accumulated over the long combined careers of the Liontrust Muti-Asset team and have developed over many years. Among these beliefs are:
Investment markets are not fully efficient and the degree of inefficiency varies between them
Sentiment can cause market prices to move away from their fundamental value over the short term
Over the long term, markets tend to revert towards levels justified by their fundamentals
Active management of asset allocation can add value through exploiting mispricing and their subsequent return to normal
We believe that equity markets remain the key driver of long-term real returns
Within equity markets, factors such as value, growth, quality and size have inherent tailwinds due to either behavioural or market structure inefficiencies
Each of these factors in isolation can be volatile but a combination of these factors should outperform the broader index over time
Asset allocation is the means by which we combine complementary asset classes together to create a risk and return profile that is appropriate for different investor cohorts
We believe that an appropriate time horizon is essential and as a result, a long-term, disciplined, robust and repeatable process will give investors the best chance of long-term outperformance
There are five parts to the Multi-Asset investment process:
- Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA)
- Tactical Asset Allocation (TAA)
- Portfolio construction
- Manager selection
- Implementation
Latest content from the Liontrust Multi-Asset team
Liontrust Multi-Asset process
A guide to managing volatility
Navigating the world of investment
Understanding the risks of investing
Multi-Asset Fund Manager Views
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The Liontrust Sustainable Investment team
The Sustainable Investment team have been managing their Sustainable Future funds for more than 21 years. Since the funds’ launch in 2001, Peter Michaelis and the team have applied the Sustainable Future investment process to generate strong returns from investing in companies aiming to deliver profits through positive social and environmental impacts.
The fund managers look at the world through the prism of three mega trends – better resource efficiency (cleaner), improved health (healthier) and greater safety and resilience (safer) – and then 22 themes within these. If a company has significant exposure to one of the themes, the fund managers verify how sustainable the rest of its activities are.
For each company, the fund managers determine the ESG factors that are important indicators of future success and assess how well these are managed, via he proprietary Liontrust Sustainability Matrix. Companies in which the fund managers invest will have robust business fundamentals with a proven ability to deliver high returns of equity (RoE) through sustaining margins and asset turnover. Typically, these companies have a maintainable competitive advantage through scale, technology or business model.
Liontrust offers a range of five Sustainable Future (SF) Managed funds, investing in a blend of equities, bonds and cash, and they are all risk profiled by Distribution Technology’s Dynamic Planner.
Latest content from the Liontrust Sustainable team
Sustainable Equities Investment process
Sustainable Fixed Income Investment process
Sustainable Annual Review
Explaining and exploring sustainable investment
Sustainable Fund Manager Views
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The Liontrust Economic Advantage team
The award-winning team manages four UK equity funds – including Liontrust Special Situations – by applying the Economic Advantage process. The process seeks to identify companies that possess intangible assets which produce barriers to competition and provide a durable competitive advantage that allows the companies to defy industry competition and sustain a higher than average level of profitability for longer than expected.
The Liontrust Global Innovation team
The team seeks to generate strong returns by investing in innovative companies through the three funds they manage, including Liontrust Global Technology. The team believes we are in the early stages of a new technology cycle driven by AI. This this has the potential to rapidly increase productivity, earnings and growth for the winners of this transformation, which will be both leaders and disruptors.
The Liontrust Cashflow Solution team
The award-winning team believes cash flow is the single most important determinant of shareholder returns. The Cashflow Solution process invests in companies with strong cash flows and/or are attractively valued on cash flow and run by company managers committed to an intelligent use of cash flow. Investments are based on detailed analysis of company report and accounts. The process allows the managers to vary the style exposure of the fund to suit different market environments.
The Liontrust Global Fixed Income team
The team manage three fixed income strategies – high yield, absolute return and strategic bonds. The investment process is designed to take advantage of inefficiencies in fixed income markets through a thorough understanding of the economic environment and detailed bottom-up stock analysis.
For more information about Liontrust and to find out more about what our range of funds can deliver for you and your clients, please get in touch with us by email, telephone or by visiting our website:
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7412 1700
Email: [email protected]

Important information
This marketing communication does not form part of a direct offer or invitation to purchase securities. Before making an investment decision, you should familiarise yourself with the different types of specific risks associated with the funds. This information can be found in the final Prospectus and Key Investor Information Documents (KIIDs) available on our website: This advertisement is a financial promotion under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 which has been approved and issued by Liontrust Fund Partners LLP (2 Savoy Court, London WC2R 0EZ), authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 518165) to undertake regulated investment business.